This year, as my elderly neighbour said to me yesterday, is
'a good year for roses'.
'a good year for roses'.
I had noticed that along our street several of the rose bushes were really full of blooms, ours included. I'd put it down to them enjoying the extra soaking they got last August when our entire street got flooded in freak weather.
I love roses, particularly for their scent. I love the deep reds and pinks best but also love the creamy white flowers which twinkle at dusk.
My eldest daughters's middle name is Rose after my Grandma.
My eldest daughters's middle name is Rose after my Grandma.

Life has been really hectic recently and i feel as though my feet haven't touched the ground, hence the length between posts.
We have been very busy in the studio and lots of new things are on the go but none as yet completed. (apart from the pegbags).
Hampton Court Flower Show where we will be exhibiting in the Country Living Pavilion is looming. Very exciting but still lots to organise.
The evenings are taken up with redesigning our folkydokee website. My lovely technical man is onto this, I just have to keep him stocked up with wine and beer as an incentive.
There is lots to do in the garden with the veg growing in full swing and my girls are very busy with school activities and end of term shows. We are all pretty tired and are looking forward to the half term break. The housework just hasn't had a look in... so it's catch up for me (when i get a chance).
It's difficult to keep a balance when life gets so busy. Anyone got any tips to share for coping with juggling things at busy times ?
Hampton Court Flower Show where we will be exhibiting in the Country Living Pavilion is looming. Very exciting but still lots to organise.
The evenings are taken up with redesigning our folkydokee website. My lovely technical man is onto this, I just have to keep him stocked up with wine and beer as an incentive.
There is lots to do in the garden with the veg growing in full swing and my girls are very busy with school activities and end of term shows. We are all pretty tired and are looking forward to the half term break. The housework just hasn't had a look in... so it's catch up for me (when i get a chance).
It's difficult to keep a balance when life gets so busy. Anyone got any tips to share for coping with juggling things at busy times ?

When i get caught up with the stress of life I always remember what my sister once said to me;
' take time to smell the roses'.
' take time to smell the roses'.
I'll leave you with that thought and wish you a happy weekend full of rose sniffing!
Nice photos!
I find that slowing down oddly makes time stretch. Good luck at the CL Pavilion - I have never been to one of their mini shows - what is it like? (As a seller not buyer!)
Hi Jane,
Thanks for the message of good luck. We have done the CL Spring and Christmas shows in London but have never done any of the others so it's all new to us. I am both excited and scared!
Have a good weekend.
Lovely photos!!!
I think most people need to stop and smell the roses!!
Life moves so fast these days...and to think we have all kinds of modern technology and we still do not have time in the day.
i'm catching up on blogs after a bloging holiday. It was lovely to discover yours and reading about your bussiness just over the boarder in Hampshire. (I'm in west sussex) Good luck at the show
Can't wait to smell my roses. they're my favourite too. My eldest daughter also shares Rose as a middle name. Good luck with it all.
Kim x
Zephérine Drouhin is just on the cusp for us, along with Frau Dagmar Hartopp, William Morris, Rosemoor and Felicité Parmentier - Peace (one of my favourites) is in full bloom and the scent is heady.
Good luck with all of your tasks, I'm sure it'll all come together in time :)
Hi Ginny
What a lovely post. It is too early for roses here, but I think that they should be out within a couple of weeks. I especially enjoy the older varieties with their beautiful perfumes and will definitely make time to 'stop and smell the roses'.
Marie x
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