Tomorrow is a day of mixed feelings..
Firstly the girls go back to school after a lovely long holiday. I will miss having them around although i do need to have some time to get on with some much awaited work at the studio. It is my youngest's 7th birthday too. She had an animal and wildlife fancy dress party on Sunday which was great fun.

It is also baby 'Poppy's' day. She was due to be born tomorrow. Sadly she died earlier in the year. Very hard and very sad for my best friend and her husband. I lost a baby some 10 years ago during pregnancy in similar circumstances. My baby had a rare condition ' not compatible with life' (in the professional's words) and died at 20 weeks. He is up there in the clouds with baby Poppy. It's so hard to understand why such sad things happen, Talking has helped me.. i have always wanted to talk about my baby...i don't want to lose him again. Sometimes it's like a dream.. very surreal. Whilst in the midsts of trauma and tragedy you just go with it. But it's hard too. My friend is such a beautiful special woman.. she has helped me through so many things over the past few years. It pains me to know what she and her husband are going through. They are such strong vibrant people and i love them dearly. They are coping really well. I know there are so many people out there with similar experiences and my heart goes out to you all.

Life is so precious and there is so much to be thankful for despite the hurts and pains. Experiences like these make us realise what is important to us and how fragile life can be.
I think Bella enchanted did a lovely thing when she started an award called 'Nice Matters '. This award celebrates those who inspire good feelings and inspiration, are just nice people and good blog friends. Something i feel is worth celebrating. I am heartened at how many nice people there are out there.

I was so touched recently to be nominated for this award
(Sorry it's taken me so long to respond.)
I would like to further pass on the good feeling to 2 bloggers in particular .....
(although all of you i exchange with i feel deserve this award as you're all 'NICE'!)
She is an amazing woman and in every sense is an inspiration. She has her own heartaches and yet has done something very special for my beautiful friend. Thank you Manda, your gift touched her so sweetly and dearly (i was on the other end of the phone as the surprise package arrived this morning. ) Such a thoughtful and generous thing to do. xShe really is the sweetest person. I recently brought this lovely fawn from her for my daughters birthday (all wrapped up and ready to give her in the morning) and she also put in a sweet little note and an extra little present for the birthday girl. So very nice of you Tracy and really appreciated. I know my little one is going to love her presents. Thank you. x
and finally i want to send special love to my lovely Alice who is also very nice!
see you in the studio.....
see you in the studio.....
So sorry for your friends loss as well as your own. Life is precious! Even a life that is no longer with us, is stil with us in spirit...Congrats on your award ((HUGS))
Ginny - I think, like you, it is important to talk about these things or it does become more of a loss, a diminishing perhaps.
One of the reasons I found it hard to leave our last house was that the trees planted there to commemorate our babies who didn't make it into the world were growing too strongly to transplant. In some ways that is good - life goes on, things grow, I have my girls here with me.
It is important to remember.
Hope that your daughter has a fantastic birthday - the fawn is very very cute,
Beautiful photos, so apt for what you have mentioned. I think these things should be out in the open, it happens to so many, yet its completely individual to each one. I hope your friend finds a balance and a way to get through it, my thoughts are with her and you too. Take care of yourself :)
You really are a wonderful friend. Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful post. Our babies are definately skipping from cloud to cloud today. Do you think they get into as much mischief as O,I,I & N? I'm so glad you were with me today. It's been a day of mixed emotions - you know.... Love you dearly too.
Al xxxxx
Hi Ginny .. until I started my own blog I didn’t know how much I would enjoy it, everyday the first thing I do when I get home from work (apart from make myself a cup of tea that is) is to turn on the PC to see (with great anticipation) if any comments have come through, I know that we only become ‘virtual friends’ but friends all the same. I agree with you that every time you lose someone close to you it reminds you again and again of how precious every second of the day is, and how you must try and enjoy life to the max, that is why we keep busy and when we get up in the mornings we don’t sigh, we just get on with it, because we know what we are doing is going to give a better future for us and our families. I have had a share of emotional angst in my life on and off, but through experience I too have realised that talking about your problems (doesn't matter who with) helps you to get through them, as the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. Louise x
Heartfelt emotions beautifully expressed.
Thinking of you and your friend. x
Thank you so much Ginny! Both you and Al have been so lovely and supportive and I've appreciated it so very much. You are both in my thoughts often, especially on days like today.
Manda xxxx
Somebody told me that our beautiful daughter would always be with us in a special place in our hearts. It has proved to be true.
I also find that she is with us in our son and daughter who live the life that she would have had.
Little Poppy and your precious son will always be there in that special place. I can promise you.
thank you sweet lady xxx
you will never know how much your words have meant to me today - like you and your lovely friend, life is a little hard for me at the moment and the support of blog friends has been so wonderful and far more important than i ever dreamt it would be.
hug your friend extra close today and give her an extra hug from me xx
i thank you from the bottom of my heart x
and i am so glad the little fawn will be loved!
tracy x
My oldest friend had a similar experience and it's so sad especially when you are near other mothers having babies and seeing all the resulting happiness.
I think you are right it is so important to feel able to talk about it.
A beautiful post Ginny, I have learnt, like you, along the way, just how precious life is and how we should remember never to take things for granted. Thinkig of you and your friend and wishing your daughter a very Happy Birthday
Kim x
How sad for you both but lovely in that you can share your feelings with each other in true friendship.
Thinking of you.
Well done on receiving the award!
love a x
How did it go today with the children going back? This post really touched my heart in many ways. I have worked with the NCT for a number of years and have seen hearts breaking with the sadness of losing a child, before and after the birth. Mother nature is amazing but boy when it goes wrong it is the sadest of things.
Suzie Sews
Thank you so much everyone for all your messages....they have meant so much to us.
ginny and Al xxx
Sorry for your losses. You are so lucky to have a strong and special friendship, cherish it.
Hi, I just found your blog and what a lovely first post to be reading.
I am sorry to hear of your friends loss, my heart goes out to her at such a sad time.
I agree the blogging world is filled with such lovely people, I am continually reminded of this whenever I do my regular visits.
Racheal x
Ginny, I'm so sorry to read about your little boy. This post made me cry.
I also wanted to say how very deserving you are of the Nice Matters award. x
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