Thank you so much for all your kind Birthday wishes.
I have been so spoilt... and have loved very minute of my celebrations.
I know many of you were excited (and some confessed to being a little envious) about the trip to see Hairspray. Well all i can say was that it was bloody brilliant.. if you get a chance do go see it. It is so energetic, the music fabulous, the dance routines amazing... i couldn't keep still...brilliant brilliant.... we saw the matinee and to think the cast would be repeating it all again that evening. now that's what i call stamina.
I have come back down to earth now and have been sorting out the house, washing, homework etc ready for the return to school/work next week. For those on half term... hope you have had a good week.
I have been so spoilt... and have loved very minute of my celebrations.
I know many of you were excited (and some confessed to being a little envious) about the trip to see Hairspray. Well all i can say was that it was bloody brilliant.. if you get a chance do go see it. It is so energetic, the music fabulous, the dance routines amazing... i couldn't keep still...brilliant brilliant.... we saw the matinee and to think the cast would be repeating it all again that evening. now that's what i call stamina.
I have come back down to earth now and have been sorting out the house, washing, homework etc ready for the return to school/work next week. For those on half term... hope you have had a good week.
I will leave you with a mystery object...(not too hard) taken whilst testing out the new macro lens.

It is a close up of part of something given to me for my birthday from my friend Amanda
(hi Amanda!).
Leave a comment with your guess and i will put all those with correct answers into a hat and do a draw on Wednesday next week . If your name is picked out i will send you a little something (not sure what yet)?
Enjoy your weekend.
Well I'm not sure but it looks realy phallic!!
Looks like the spout of a watering can to me. I hope you haven't lost the rose already! x
watering can....I have one very similar:)
I have a lovely old watering can like this one too!
mmmmmmmmm I'm thinking watering can too!!!!
I didn't think Amanda was the sort of girl that would give you a birthday present like that! Where do you attach the battery?
Al xxx
Hi Ginny, about those leeks, no not from the watering can, that's if it is one? I forgot to add on my post that you can grow lots of leeks in such a small space, so do try some if you can. Once you have the seeds in the pot I just leave it outside, somewhere fairly sheltered where it can get a dose of rain, or if not remember to water. I am a bit naughty I don't ever thin the seedlings out, although the experts say you should? Once the seedlings have grown to about 8 inches and look sturdy enough to go in the bed, that is when I transplant them. Hope it works! x
I spy a watering can! My mum has one!
I think a watering can - what a lovely present and what beautiful photography! x
Oh dear Ginny... I have managed in spectacular fashion to miss your Birthday.. so a very Happy Belated Birthday to you!
I am glad you had an exciting day.
That is most definitely a watering can.. I must own a cousin of yours..
What a lovely present!
mmmm, could that be the spout end of a gorgeous metal watering can! i love mine so much, perfect find at a carboutique and a bargain price!(£1)
Happy Belated by the way!
I think its a watering can! I have one thats similar, what a lovely birthday gift! :)
Well it does look a bit like our watering can but surely you didn't get that for your birthday. Wonder if someone pinched it and sold it on the car boot, must check.
It looks like a lovely old galvanised watering can to me. I remember my mum throwing one out years ago when she what she thought was a lovely plastic one. If only eh!
Yep - a lovely old galvanised watering can. I have a very similar one sitting on the patio and waiting to burst with colour with all the spring bulbs I planted it in before Christmas. Sarah x
Do you have the rose? I find that they often are bent out of shape and won't fit back on. They are great even roseless though for precision watering (much more "eco" anyway.,
Hi,just found your's a watering can ;-)Sal
I spy with my little eye soemthing beginning with B...B? Birthday...belated birthday wishes...No its something beginning with W...Watering can!!!
It looks like a the rose-less spout of a very nice vintage watering can.
Hey Ginny,
Sounds like you have been having fun while I have been in Barcelona. I have just posted some pics.
As for the mystery pic - I think a watering can too - a lovely old tarnished one!
Take Care
Clare xx
I just found your sweet blog by way of a comment you left on SouleMama's blog. I'm excited to have a look around here.
I'm thinking that it's a spout of a watering can. What a fun birthday gift!
Hello Ginny, I'm glad Hairspray was good, we really want to go and see it too. I think it's the spout from a watering can!
It looks like the spout of a water can. Very similar to the ones I have at the allotment. Tricia
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