It has happened... i am now in my 40's. It's quite a landmark really and has been an odd experience for someone who has always said that age doesn't matter it is how you feel. I still think this and know it is only a number but somehow, it felt like a different passage.
Firstly when written down it is quite a large number... not 50 or 60 granted but makes one feel that somehow you should at least now be a 'grown up'. (something i do not feel or think i will ever feel). I have received lots of lovely birthday cards, many with the number 40 prominent on the front. To associate it with myself at the moment, feels a little alien to say the least, though i am sure i will quickly get used to it, like one does to a new haircut.
Secondly others seem to have an expectation of 40, asking you how you feel, how are you going to celebrate entering another decade and so on... I do like to mark festivals and significant moments in our families lives and enjoy gathering friends and family together. One large party seemed too much pressure on the actual day... so i shied away from this but as a result decided that as i am 40 all year i will celebrate all year. (any excuse).

My first celebration was a family treat to see Mary Poppins in the West End. I wanted to do something that my girls would love and remember. This was the first big London show that they have seen and they loved it... we all did. Fantastic!
A 'grown up' , 'decadent' trip away to Winchester came next. A mixture of shopping, treats, fine food and luxury lodgings. Thoroughly recommended to ease one into their 40's. Then an unbirthday party tea at mums with a visit from my sister and all this happened before my actual birthday!
My birthday morning started abruptly with no 'lie in' but girls bouncing on the bed at 6.30 wanting me to open their specially wrapped and chosen presents. They were very excited and had gone to a lot of trouble making cards and presents .... a scoubi bangle from my eldest and a rainbow picture from my little one. Once they had been rushed off to school, a little later than usual, we relaxed into a very chilled out day. My man had the day off so we went out for a pub lunch and played with my new present ... a sexy macro lens for our digital SLR camera. We have both wanted this for a while and couldn't justify the cost, so my 'big' birthday was a good excuse to finally buy it. I do have to keep reminding him that it was my present though!

He knew i wanted a homemade cake so... as time was rushed the girls chose a chocolate cake for me but he felt he should still make one. He never ceases to surprise me and he secretly decided he wanted to make a lemon drizzle cake. True to form this was 'googled' and the recipe he found was this one. It was gorgeous and the best thing was that he had made it especially for me. So another birthday tea followed .... this one with candles, wishes and cake, and we finally finished the day with a quiet drink out.
So i really have been very spoilt. On Friday night i also spent a fantastic evening out with my local girlfriends.. i felt so happy and so lucky to have such great people around me to call my friends. My good friend Sarah surprised me with more cake.. a beautiful homemade fresh raspberry filled Victoria sponge which even had candles on... everyone sang 'Happy Birthday'.... i blushed... we all had a piece.. so yummy. My oldest friends who live away couldn't be with us so i am planning a Summer party in the garden. Not that i am greedy or anything.. i just love bringing everyone together.
On Saturday morning i reflected on this birthday week and i know i have had the best birthday ever. In stark contrast to my 35th when i had an intensely low period in my life, things now could not be more different. I know i have been 'milking' the whole 40 experience... well, what the hell, i am only 40 once and i really do feel that while we are all rattling through our lives we must never forget to enjoy them. So here's to enjoyment, wherever you are, whatever your age... go and celebrate your life.. unlike cats we only have one! g x
pictures are of a wire and recycled beads heart made for me by my talented sister J.
My celebrations continue next week when i am off with both of my sisters to see this.
My celebrations continue next week when i am off with both of my sisters to see this.
I'm so glad you had a lovely birthday - those beads and wire are very beautiful.
Hope you have a wonderful time at Hairspray! x
Happy (belated) Birthday Ginny!! I think I was more freaked out by Jeff and Kev turning 40 than the idea that I will (of course, that may change when I actually turn 40 in 2 years time.
I'm glad you had such a good time, and I figure that 40's definitely worth milking.
I'm very jealous that you're going to see Hairspray!
Manda xxxx
What a very wonderful birthday week/month...year. So pleased to hear you have been so thoroughly spoiled.
Hairspray sounds fantastic - do you remember the original?...Ricki Lake has come a very long way!
Reading about your cards reminded me that on my thirtieth birthday one of my cards (actually a really lovely one, picture-wise, at least) said: '30! and still gorgeous!' - this very nearly sent me into a depression - the implication seemed to be that any gorgeousness remaining past the age of 29 was an unexpected bonus and one that may slip away very suddenly. It had an air of consolation, rather than celebration! So pleased that all your cards sounded of the cheerier variety! x
Thank you for the birthday wishes... can't wait to see Hairspray.. loved the original and recently saw the remake.... such a feel good film and the music just makes me want to get up and dance.
Florence... i had a 'naughty' at 40 card, a 'fabulous' 40 and a 'fantastic' 40... all of which i intend to be... especially naughty at 40 .... i think (and hope) that you can get away with more as you get older!
Happy Birthday!I think celebrating all year is an excellent idea and gives you carte blanche to do what ever you fancy all year - perhaps I could get out of ironing for the year as a 40th treat??
Many many happy returns. You seem to have made the most of your birthday this year - I stand back in admiration since I am not good at birthdays in any year, which has less to do with numbers and more to do with being looked at. I do hope that when I reach 40 I can be as comfortable in my skin as you seem to be, and make sure I stretch the whole thing out to at least a fortnight :)
Happy birthday.
Euan turned 40 just before Christmas and has also decided to celebrate all year - a midsummer Trailer party to celebrate the airstream we think.
I am glad that you got spoiled a lot and that your family and friends realise that birthdays should go on for weeks!
Happy Birthday glad you had a lovely day. Reaching 40 means you move up one on the tick box when filling in forms LOL Tricia
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Ginny
Happy Birthday to you
Hip hip hooray
hip hip hooray
Hip hip hooray
For she's a jolly good "blogger" and so say all of us
Happy 40th Ginny
Carolyn x
Well what a wonderful time you have had! Im 36, and at the moment am quite looking forward to 40. Hopefully less stress as the kiddies will be older and more money (ha ha) ;) let me know if this is the case!! x
A very very happy(slightly belated) Birthday. Sounds like you've been having a really great time celebrating. I like your idea of celebrating through the whole year. That's definitely the best way to approach big Birthdays! I really hated turning 30 six years ago and I fully intend to approach 40 with a much more positive frame of mind. As you say, it's just a number and how you feel inside that is the most important thing. Keep enjoying your celebrations!
Happy 40th birthday Ginny, I love the heart your sister has made, it is so pretty. I think you celebrate these occasions how you want to, for Johns we went up to London, which included visiting the Millenium Dome, as it was in 2000, and for mine we had a few days away in Jersey. I am so glad you really enjoyed yours and sounds like your celebrations are still going on as I speak, and how much cake can a girl eat? Carry on celebrating but make some time to take some great photos, once you have mastered that macro lens.
Well you certainly know how to enjoy yourself.
Happy 40th:)
As Fiona (Nonnie) said I too found 30 very difficult but 40 -it's just a number.
Happy Birthday...a little belated...Happy 40th! Glad you are stretching out the celebrating and taking it as is come, enjoying the times. May this year be a great year for you! LOVE all the wirework/bead jewelry! ((gHUGS))
Happy Birthday - and thanks for your comments on my Blog. My cold is still here and can't imagine getting on a plane in a few days time! Keep the celebrations going as long as possible
Clare x
I'm sorry I am late to the party but
'Happy Birthday to you dear Ginny'.
You have achieved so much in your life already - with your family and your business and now you are setting off on new paths - congratulations. Your celebrations sound fantastic - and now you have the taste for them I think that your birthdays are going to get better and better!
An all year celebration sounds wonderful to me! Sounds like you had a great birthday, I'n glad you had such a good time. Take care - very envious of you seeing Hairspray!
Hi Ginny
Congratulations on turning 40 ~ as someone who did so a couple of years ago (well, almost 3 now!) I know how it feels.
All of your celebrations sound wonderful ~ have a fantastic year.
Marie x
Happy belated birthday, sorry to have missed it. Love those beads
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